Friday, July 6, 2007

A new day dawns.

I didn't sleep last night until almost 4:30 AM. Not a problem, really. I can pretty much make my own schedule at work these days. (Real job. I'm not writing full time as yet.) I read about half of a Lee Child book, one of his Jack Reacher novels. I have to thank him, because something in that book was the impetus that launched me on my current project.

I won't kill anyone with details that are still formulating in my head, but suffice it to say that I have a pretty fair start on full conceptualization. I have also written over 1,000 words in the past few hours. Not too bad, I'd say. At that rate, I may have the first chapter finished in a day or so.

Lesson: Never let a single day of discouragement influence you.

I felt like giving up on writing again last night. Now, I'm well into plotting my next manuscript and also pretty far into the first scene.

Ain't life peachy?

Again, for the family: I miss everyone. One day closer... I wish time would hurry up!

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