Friday, September 14, 2007

Further down the trail

Today, I decided that I'd have a look at my submission log. That's where I keep track of what's out, to whom, and when I can bug them about not getting back to me. I found that I had about a week before the query time was up on one of my short stories. I reviewed the submission guidelines, perused the publishers' sites, etc. Since I keep a personal email address and a prefessional one, I decided to see if my mail service was still forwarding my professional mail to my personal account. Test email, in the tube; FIRE!

And then guess what?

Two messages below my test email, there it was. My first real rejection.

I actually feel okay about it. It was very low paying, so it really wouldn't have gone far toward the furtherance of my career, but it would have been nice to have a hardcover anthology with my name in it on my shelf. I feel like a milestone has been passed, though. I knew going in I'd be rejected more than accepted. It's good to finally be getting something, though.

On another note, I started germinating an idea today that may just pan out. It's not a new tale by any means, but one that might just bear another telling.

As always, love to the family. Just over a week now, and I'll be kissing faces and hugging bodies and smiling my joy at the jewels of my life. I love you all.

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