Friday, September 14, 2007

Further down the trail

Today, I decided that I'd have a look at my submission log. That's where I keep track of what's out, to whom, and when I can bug them about not getting back to me. I found that I had about a week before the query time was up on one of my short stories. I reviewed the submission guidelines, perused the publishers' sites, etc. Since I keep a personal email address and a prefessional one, I decided to see if my mail service was still forwarding my professional mail to my personal account. Test email, in the tube; FIRE!

And then guess what?

Two messages below my test email, there it was. My first real rejection.

I actually feel okay about it. It was very low paying, so it really wouldn't have gone far toward the furtherance of my career, but it would have been nice to have a hardcover anthology with my name in it on my shelf. I feel like a milestone has been passed, though. I knew going in I'd be rejected more than accepted. It's good to finally be getting something, though.

On another note, I started germinating an idea today that may just pan out. It's not a new tale by any means, but one that might just bear another telling.

As always, love to the family. Just over a week now, and I'll be kissing faces and hugging bodies and smiling my joy at the jewels of my life. I love you all.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Some headway

Well, this past month has been very unproductive in the writing arena. I've actually been doing my day job, believe it or not. My last hitch over here in Oman was slow, so I wrote a lot more. This time, we're actually busy, so I've had less time for words. I caught a bit of a break in the action a few days ago and have been able to put together a preliminary chapter breakdown of my novel. I'm happy with the story, but not so thrilled with the length. It looks like this thing is going to be somewhat shorter than I'd hoped.

Ah well, life goes on.

So, I'll be heading home to my family in less than two weeks now. I'm very excited to get home. The more I think about it, the more convinced I become that I'm not in the right place. Sure this gig is paying the bills, but my Sweet Love is constantly telling me how much harder it is to deal with everything when I'm gone, how much the kids all miss me and need my presence. I have always maintained that no job is so important that I'll let my family suffer to do it. Now I just need an exit strategy. I'm pretty sure that I'm going to do one more hitch over here after this one, and then I won't be back. I'll most likely try to go back to Wyoming for a little while if something else doesn't come up in the mean time.

I guess we'll see.

Anyway, I'll keep after the writing. That's my future. As long as I keep my chin up, it's bound to happen. I love all those who are supporting me in this, and hope to have good news about the stories I have submitted soon.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Saying goodbye.

I nuked an old blog today. I expected it to feel bad, but it didn't. Not like abandoning a story, really. More like just saying goodbye to a person you barely knew.

Anyway, it really only had one thing I wanted on it. A little poem to my wife, which I saved. So, no loss, really.

I have written almost half a chapter in my novel. I'm expecting to be hauled out of here to go do my other job at any time, but so far I haven't seen anyone.

For the fam: This will be over soon, I hope. I want nothing more than to come home to you all and stay forever.

Back to work.

I'm back at work in the middle of nowhere. I submitted three stories to sundry publishers on my days off, but didn't actually write anything.

It's really frustrating that I can't seem to do the only thing I want to do in the only place I really want to do it. Oh, well. I guess I'll just have to make up for it by writing when I'm over here.

Anyways, here's a little message for my wife. I do this for us, babe, but one day I will be able to stay with you and still afford to live. That's a promise.

And I gotta get back to work. I'm trying to do a chapter a day. Wish me luck.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Not a word...

It's so hard to write when I'm home.

I miss my family and love to be around them. And, when I get home from over in the desert, I spend my time doing family things. So, needless to say, I haven't written lately.

I have a plan, though. Fear not.

It's late, so I'll write more later. Productive words, hopefully.

Friday, July 6, 2007

A new day dawns.

I didn't sleep last night until almost 4:30 AM. Not a problem, really. I can pretty much make my own schedule at work these days. (Real job. I'm not writing full time as yet.) I read about half of a Lee Child book, one of his Jack Reacher novels. I have to thank him, because something in that book was the impetus that launched me on my current project.

I won't kill anyone with details that are still formulating in my head, but suffice it to say that I have a pretty fair start on full conceptualization. I have also written over 1,000 words in the past few hours. Not too bad, I'd say. At that rate, I may have the first chapter finished in a day or so.

Lesson: Never let a single day of discouragement influence you.

I felt like giving up on writing again last night. Now, I'm well into plotting my next manuscript and also pretty far into the first scene.

Ain't life peachy?

Again, for the family: I miss everyone. One day closer... I wish time would hurry up!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Times like these...

What a discouraging day.

I abandoned a story today. I hate doing that because it leaves a hole where that story had begun to grow. I had to be done, though. I was really struggling with the plot. Oh well, maybe I'll get some kind of inspiration and be able to come back to it.

Anyway, now I'm listening to some of my favorite sing-along music. The Mighty Mighty Bosstones. Dashboard. Pearl Jam. And, because I'm having one of those days, Foo Fighters "Times Like These" acoustic version.

Long live Dave Grohl!

For my family:

I miss you all. I'll be home in a few days! I'm excited to see everyone.

And in the beginning...

A short line to say hello. My name is Curtis Lee, and I'm a fledgling scifi/horror/fantasy author. I suppose this will be my home on the web, at least for now. See my bio for info about me.

I will probably put random ramblings and the odd flash piece here, but the bulk of my writings are to be published for profit. To that end, look here for news about sales and the furtherance of my career.

Thanks for your interest. We writers rely it.