Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Well, it's happened again.  I get home from Oman and my brain stalls out.  I have put together a few things on my fantasy novel in the past weeks, but not nearly as much as I feel I need to have done.

So, I just had an insight into myself.  I complain about not doing stuff a lot.  I should just do it and save the energy.

Along those lines, I'm going to do what my high school English teacher advised.  I plan to post something here every day.  EVERY DAY!!!  It'll be tough, but worthwhile.  Because I plan to amp up the volume of posts, the length will likely decrease.  Also, I'm thinking I'll put together a schedule of what to post when, that way I always kinda have an idea where I'm heading.

More tomorrow.

Read something!

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