Thursday, September 17, 2009

BlackBerry Bull Session

Dated 9th September

So, as some of you may know, my wife and I both recently got new BlackBerry Storms. I don't think Anne likes hers. For such a dainty little thing, she tends to fatfinger her buttons quite a bit more than I do. Apparently. Also, she likes to mash the keypad with her face. Not sure what this accomplishes, but she assures me it's very frustrating. But really, all kidding aside, I think there are a few applications that we need to download for her that will make her experience much more enjoyable. I'm having a blast with mine. I had a first edition BlackBerry and let me tell you folks, I hated hated hated that phone. It was the most straightly worthless piece of modern equipment I have ever dealt with. It was worthless as a clock. It was worthless as a calendar. It was worthless as a phone. It didn't even have a camera. The interface was about as intuitive as jabbing an ice pick in your own eye. Although, to be fair, I did have one favorite game on that hunk of trash platform. It was reminiscent of the old Asteroids arcade game. That was my nowhere-to-go nothing-to-do entertainment for the entire time I owned the phone. Once it almost got me kicked out of the airport in Salt Lake City. I almost threw the damned thing on the floor and stomped it into a pile of electronic detritus during a major psychotic episode because the moronic device had caused me to miss a flight. Well, the Storm is a brilliant piece of equipment. There are a few things that could be improved, but so far, the ones that definitely need improvement have applications written to make said improvements. Now, these applications are not free for the most part. This is a bit frustrating, but since the phones themselves were free with our rebates and et cetera, I don't think it's a bad thing to spend a few dollars to make them exactly what we want them to be.

Now to address the iPeople. Yes, I want an iPod. Yes, I think the iPhone is cool. Equally, I think that all you iPeople paid way too much for your iProducts. Apple Corporation has notoriously been extremely proud of their merchandise. One might almost call it too proud. In fairness here too, the prices of Apple products have been coming down dramatically, and they may not be as bad as they once were, but I guess I'm just going to hold a grudge about the whole trading on their coolness factor thing that they have done. Also, I think they would have been way cooler if the Mac had not just decided that it was going to be a clone of the PC that ran OSX or whatever the latest is. Tightly coded, virus resistant, say what you will. It's still just a PC now.

Well, kind of got off subject, there. What a shock, what a surprise.


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