Sunday, October 19, 2008

Another Marathon

Since it’s Sunday, I guess I need to catch up some more...

Friday: Progress report. Ummm, actually, by Friday, I had a whole fist full of nothing accomplished. Today, I have about 4100 words of a 10000 word D&D adventure scenario written. I’m not even sure yet if Wizards of the Coast is going to buy it, but its fun as all get out to write, so I keep on. I should be working my day job, but...meh.

Saturday: Exciting news and Happenings. I’m in Oman. Nothing exciting ever happens here. “Today, it was hot. Forecast for tomorrow: Hot.” The most exciting thing I have going on right now is taking a long nap.

Today’s a free write. This is it: Meh.

Can you tell I have been in front of the keyboard all day working on my D&D thing?

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