Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Family Day

First off, I apologize for missing yesterday. It was supposed to be my free write day, and I didn't feel like coming up with anything.

Consistently inconsistent.

Well, I have had some surprises from my oldest in the past few months. He's really growing up. He's starting to come out of that grumpy pre-adolescent stage and move into full blown teen mode. So far, much less angst than I would have suspected, but it's early in that game, so I'm not sure it won't get worse. But really, I keep getting reports from various sources that he's coming around in areas I didn't suspect he would be interested in. He still wants to spend all his time playing, but that's what kids do. I was the same, and I expect it. I'm proud of him, though. He's a really good kid. All of them are good kids.

Once again, I won't be home for a birthday. The 20th of this month is my youngest daughter's birthday and I'll be in North Dakota. I hate that, but it's happened so many times that the kids are used to it. I think it's getting a little too late for me to make it all up to them, and that has me depressed a lot of the time. I think that's why I'm so tired so often.

Ah well, life sucks and etc.

Well, gotta get packed up. It's almost shift change and I don't want to hang around out here in the middle of nowhere any longer than I absolutely must. I hear a nice warm bed calling my name.


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