Thursday, August 13, 2009

We Now Resume Our Regularly Scheduled Programming

Hello again. It’s been a while.

Wednesday. Off-the-writing-subject musings today. Fortuitous.

Well, let’s catch up on what’s been going on in my world for the past half year plus. I have completely reintegrated in Rock Springs, Wyoming, after my transfer with Big Red. Some of the old guys are still around, and we’ve had a good time catching up, I think. Some of them still don’t really appreciate my sense of humor, but I’m just like I always have been, so they’ll just have to gut it out. There are a bundle of new guys, but that’s to be expected in the industry whence I toil. Anyway, since the transfer, I’m home way less often, have way less opportunity to write, and am generally about as miserable as I was over in Oman. This is really just something of a pit stop on my way to finding gainful employment in the same zip code where Home is. On the good side, I can make a bit more money monthly in the Rock, depending on how many hours I put in.

Best part; everyone speaks English! No more language barrier! Now if I could just summit Mount Moron, all would be right in my work-world.

On the home front, Sweetness and I have weathered a pretty rough patch. Mostly weathered it, anyway. I’m working on some stuff, she’s working on some stuff. We’ll pull through. I’m still just beside myself that I have her, and I miss her every day.

Since I’m on night shift, this Wednesday post won’t actually go up until early Thursday morning, but that’s just tough.

Talk to you tomorrow.


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