Saturday, August 15, 2009


So, I have heard from a number of sources that a good goal for a fledgling writer such as myself is to write a thousand words a day. I have decided to challenge myself to meet that goal. So far, it's going well enough. I don't make it every day, but I usually get more than halfway there. It's actually easy to get close. Some days, if I really get in a groove, I might be able to get four or five times the goal. I know I have done it in the past. Also, I don't count my blog posts or spot revisions toward the goal. On my spreadsheet, I have two slots for each day. Any new writing on my current project (whatever my stupid adult ADD decides that is…) counts toward the goal, and is recorded under the heading "New Words" while the rest of what I write in a day goes under the "Other Words" heading.

On another note, I have gotten the go-ahead from the family financier to grab a copy of Dragon Naturally Speaking to help me improve my production. I have been practicing speaking what I intend to type to gauge how easy making the transition from the keyboard to voice recognition is going to be, and I have to tell you, it's going to be quite a different process. I have really never contemplated before just how much my brain relies on the delay my slow sausage fingers create in order to form complete and coherent thoughts. Regardless, it shouldn't take a horribly long time to adjust, but it's a bit harder than I had anticipated.

Current project progress: Prologue finished, first chapter about halfway written.

More later.


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